Term 4 Week 3
What's on at St Joey's
Tuesday 29th Oct - Year 2 NRL Day | Thursday 31st Oct - Slime the Teachers 2:00pm |
Friday 1st Nov - GR8 Race | Friday 8th Nov - Socktober Liturgy & Fundraiser |
Saturday 9th Nov - First Holy Communion 6:30pm St Mary Immaculate Church | Monday 11th Nov - Remembrance Day liturgy 10:30am |
Tuesday 12th Nov - Basketball Gala Day | Thursday 21st Nov & 28th - VA Showcase |
Friday 29th Nov - Kinder 2025 Play & Learn 2 | Friday 13th Dec - Kinder 2025 Play & Learn 3 |
Thursday 5th Dec - Christmas Concert 5:30-7pm | Wednesday 11th Dec - EOY Mass & 2025 leaders announced 9:30am St Mary Immaculate Church |
Thursday 12th Dec - SJC's GOT TALENT Show 1:30pm | Friday 13th December - Step Up afternoon 2pm |
Monday 16th Dec - Swimming Carnival | Tuesday 17th Dec - EOY Awards Assembly 9am |
Wednesday 18th Dec - Last day for students | Thursday 19th Dec - Last day for staff |
First day 2025 - Years 1 - 6 Tuesday 4th Feb | First day Kindergarten 2025 - Thursday 6th Feb |
Principal's Message
Dear Parents and Carers,
Today, we share the sad news of the sudden passing of our colleague Mrs. Heidi Routley's husband, Simon. Just over two weeks ago, Simon received a diagnosis of a stage 4 brain tumour and was preparing to start treatment. However, his condition deteriorated rapidly over the weekend, and he passed away with Heidi by his side. He leaves behind Heidi and their 10-year-old son, Newton, who will deeply feel his loss. Please keep the Routley family and their loved ones in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
On Friday we celebrated World Teacher’s Day. We are blessed with a dedicated, hardworking and committed staff at St Joseph’s, so it was easy to find time to celebrate and show gratitude for them. Teaching is a blessed vocation and it has it great joys and sometimes great challenges. We look to our great teacher, Jesus, for guidance and support throughout. Please join in praying for our teachers and teachers everywhere that they may continue to be sustained in their profession and be examples to others to join them.

Congratulations to Lochlan and Frankie who competed at the NSW PSSA Athletics Championships last week at Sydney Olympic Park. Lochie for discus and Frankie for high jump. Such an amazing achievement to compete at school, regional, diocesan, Polding then State level in a chosen sport. Well done to both on their dedication and commitment to their sport.
Good luck to the following students trialing for 2025 summer sports:
Basketball - Jeremy, Nash, Bruno, Evie and Cora
Tennis - Leo
Cricket - Huon and Owen
Last Thursday we had Abigail from Yr 6 represent our school and Lakes region at the Diocesan Public Speaking Competition. Abby said it was a great competition with interesting topics. Abby was an outstanding representative of our school and region. Well done!
Our school organised the Lakes Region Debating Competition held at Kilaben Bay last Friday with 2 Yr 6 teams representing St Joseph’s. Thank you to Mrs Courtney and Mrs Hill for their work in organising and leading this event. Congratulations to Alice, Avalon, Sophie, Luca, Isabella, Kalani, Koda and Harper for their outstanding efforts.
Thank you to Mr Fox for organising the teams to attend the recent soccer gala days for students in Stage 2 & 3. Thank you to our parent helpers and staff Mrs Davis, Ms Morris and Mrs McAlister in attendance on the days. It was great to hear of the teamwork, encouragement of each other and good sportsmanship as well as the fun had by all.
This week we are very excited about our GR8 Race to be held on Friday. This is our main fundraiser for the year and monies raised will contribute to developing our play and fitness spaces. Thank you to all who are supporting on the day with the canteen and BBQ. We are also very happy to have many of our ex students assisting with the activities. We will take a roll and submit it for attendance for those at St Mary’s Highschool.
Register and pay $20 for the entry fee - https://thegr8race.com.au/register/23/PNAIHFVJ
Order the sausage sizzle lunch available for students and parents on QKR. ORDERS CLOSE TOMORROW! Volunteers will be provided their lunch.
Fundraise for the event via the GR8 Race website. We have just over $9000 so far! THANK YOU!
For students who raise $100 they will get to participate in SLIME THE TEACHER on Thursday 31/10 at 2:00pm.

This week we welcome Macy into Year 3 Red. I trust you and your family will find St Joseph's to be a welcoming and happy place to learn and grow in.
It was delightful to meet our 2025 Kinder students and families last Friday at our first Play and Learn session. Our Year 5 Buddies were so excited to meet the children and to show them our school. Our next two sessions will be on Friday 29th November and Friday 13th December, 9:30-11:00am.
As the term progresses, we will be finalising staffing and classes for 2025. It is hard to believe the years end is fast approaching! We are very excited to have been approved for our 14th class for 2025 which will mean our school is returned to class capacity and will have no composite classes. We had been reduced to 11 classes over time which means losing teachers, having composite classes, reduced staffing and resource allocations, so to be back to capacity is a great for our school and our students.
I am pleased to announce that after a rigorous recruitment process with a record number of applicants, Mrs Brydie Dan and Mr Issac Fox have been successful in obtaining permanent positions at St Joseph’s. Both Issac and Brydie have worked at St Joseph’s for a number of years, have experience in a variety of settings in this diocese and beyond and have a proven track record of excellent pedagogical practices that align with our St Joseph’s teaching philosophy. Please join me in congratulating Brydie and Issac on their achievement.
We will have some further recruitment over the next few weeks to finalise other appointments and will announce final staffing at the end of the year. We will organise classes with detailed handover processes between teachers later in the term. Our annual ‘Step Up’ afternoon will be held on Friday 13th Dec 2pm, for students to visit their class and teacher for 2025. If you are aware of changes to your circumstances for 2025, please notify the school office asap.
Have a great week!
God bless,
Kate Drake
Assistant Principal
The Importance of Wearing School Uniforms
At St Joey's, our school uniform is more than just a dress code—it reflects the values of respect, equality, and pride that we foster in our students. Wearing the uniform unites our school community, reminding students that they are part of something bigger and that each of us contributes to the positive learning environment we share.
A key part of our uniform policy is wearing polished leather shoes on regular school days and appropriate joggers on sports days. Polished leather shoes not only complete the smart look of the uniform, but they also promote discipline, responsibility, and respect for school expectations. Proper footwear is important for safety, comfort, and upholding the standards we value.
On sports day joggers are essential to ensure that students can participate fully and safely in physical activities. Wearing the correct footwear helps to prevent injuries and allows students to perform at their best. Converse, skate shoes, and other casual footwear are not part of our uniform policy and should not be worn, as they do not provide the necessary support or reflect the uniform standards we uphold.
Hats in the Summertime
As we move into the warmer months, it’s crucial that students also wear their hats during outdoor activities. Our school follows a "No Hat, No Play" policy to protect students from harmful UV rays, which are particularly strong in summer. The students are directed to play on our covered Tar area, if they do not have their hat. Wearing a hat is not just about following school rules, but about promoting sun safety and ensuring that students can enjoy their time outdoors without risking sunburn or long-term skin damage. We encourage all families to ensure their child brings a hat to school every day. Hats should be worn during recess, lunch, sports, and any outdoor excursions. Together, we can keep our students sun-safe while fostering a culture of responsibility and self-care.
Uniforms, including the correct footwear and hats, help students take pride in their appearance and their role in the school community. By following these guidelines, we ensure that St Joey’s remains a place of respect, equality, and unity for all.
A Successful Year 5 and 6 Camp at the Great Aussie Bush Camp
Our Year 5 and 6 students recently returned from an unforgettable overnight adventure at the Great Aussie Bush Camp, where they participated in a range of exciting and challenging activities. From high ropes and indoor rock climbing to canoeing, pioneering, fencing and a thrilling challenge night, the students embraced every moment with enthusiasm, teamwork, and a spirit of adventure.
One of the standout features of the camp was the mutual respect the students showed for the camp rules, the environment, and each other. Their maturity and responsibility shone through as they tackled each activity, ensuring safety was a top priority while still pushing their personal limits. Whether it was helping a friend through a tough section of the high ropes or encouraging each other during rock climbing, our students displayed outstanding cooperation and support throughout the camp. Canoeing along the serene waterways allowed students to appreciate the beauty of nature, while the pioneering activities gave them a hands-on experience in problem-solving and teamwork. The challenge night added an extra layer of excitement, with students showcasing their creativity and resilience in various games and tasks.
Overall, the Year 5 and 6 camp was a huge success, not only because of the fun activities but also due to the respect, cooperation, and positive attitude that each student brought with them. We are incredibly proud of how well they represented St Joey’s, and we look forward to more adventures in the future! I am grateful for our staff who attended to support this event
Warm regards,
Kathryn Hill.
Office of Safeguarding
Please see below a list of upcoming parent information sessions for Term 4
The information sessions are free to attend and presented by reputable providers covering topics including online safety, mental health, neurodiversity and post-school pathways.
E Safety Commission - Tuesday 29th Oct 12:30-1pm - Supporting healthy tech use as your child transitions into high school
CCSP - Wednesday 30th Oct - Breaking Point- Unpacking the crisis into youth mental health with Dr Justin Coulson
Council of Catholic Schools Parents | Breaking Point | 7pm AEDT - Happy Families
Federation of P & F Associations - Friday 1st Nov 9:30-3:30pm - ‘Supporting young people with Autism’ with Professor Tony Attwood
In person St Mary's Parish Warners Bay
News from the Religious Coordinator
This month is Catholic Missions month where we focus of the needs of vulnerable communities around the world. This year the focus is Mongolia, a land of vast steppes, rugged mountains, and nomadic culture It is one of the most fascinating and unique countries in the world. Nestled between Russia and China. There is extreme poverty in Mongolia. The weather can be - 40 degrees in Winter and many are in need including orphaned children and the homeless. At St Joseph’s, we are raising money to assist in the Caring centres and schools in Mongolia which empower those who otherwise have nothing. See this link to see how lives are changed through your donations. https://youtu.be/C1DyJNMsOyA. Each class unit has a sock which children are encouraged to donate to. On the 8th of November. Students are asked to bring in an extra donation and wear crazy socks on the day. We will mark the day with a liturgy at 10:30am and games after lunch. Thank you for your support

Sacramental Programs
Holy Communion
Many of our students will complete their sacramental journey next Saturday the 9th at St Mary Immaculate Church, Charlestown. Students will be making their First Holy Communion. This sacrament connects us with Jesus who shared his final meal by breaking bread and sharing wine with his friends before he was crucified, and he asked His disciples to Do this in Memory of Me. Communion is central to Catholic beliefs as it provides us with spiritual nourishment that draws us closer to God and our community. We pray for our candidates as they continue their journey of faith.
Many in our community have reached out to find out about having their child baptised. The local contact at St Mary Immaculate is Mrs Donna Nichols who can be conacted via the Parish email stmarythecross@mn.catholic.org.au . Further to this, I am currently seeking interest from families who would like to have their school aged child baptised. It may be possible to organise
a group to be baptised in 2025. Please email me if you are interested. clare.paff@mn.catholic.edu.au.
All Saints and All Souls
This week we celebrate two Holy days in our liturgical calendar: All Saints and All Souls Day on the 1st and 2nd of November. All Saints' Day is a day to remember all saints throughout Christian history who continue to be role models and pray with us and for us to our Lord. All Souls' Day, the following day, is a day to remember those souls who have passed away and to pray for their eternal rest.

Pastoral Caring Group
From time to time, we all need a helping hand. We are calling upon our generous school community for additional volunteers who can help by making or donating a meal. It does not have to be fancy, but these small gestures make all the difference when times are tough. If you believe you can offer some assistance, please contact clare.paff@mn.catholic.edu.au
November 11, Remembrance Day
On Monday the 11th Of November we will mark Remembrance Day with a service at school at 10:30 am. Please join us if you can. Lest we forget.
Primary Coordinator

In 2022 students in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle advocated for female hygiene products to be made available in school toilets to provide access, equity and dignity to students who menstruate. After a successful implementation across Diocesan Secondary schools in 2023, this is now being rolled out across Catholic Primary schools in Maitland-Newcastle in Term 4, 2024.
The initiative is now being rolled out with sanitary products made available to students for free, via dispensers in some female toilet blocks. In weeks 4-5, students will be provided with age-appropriate facts about menstruation, menstrual hygiene and how these impact on physical and emotional wellbeing. The focus for the younger years is how the body changes, parts of the body that are ‘private’, appropriate vs inappropriate touching and consent. Please see the PDH content below to how this aligns with syllabus outcomes and content for Kinder, Years 1&2, Year 3&4 and Years 5&6 in the respective columns.

PB4L Focus – Live Like Jesus by Including Others
At SJC, we are proactive in creating a community of ‘includers’ in which all students feel a sense of belonging. Belonging is a strong need of all humans. It is through connection with others that we grow, flourish and feel happy. Being isolated or excluded really hurts and we all feel it inside, regardless of whether is intentional or accidental. Our discussions this fortnight will be around including others in the classroom, playground and community, and how it feels to be included.
Lakes Regional Debating
On Friday, two St Joseph’s teams entertained audiences at Kilaben Bay with their incredible debating skills, competing against 7 other schools in the Lakes Regional Debating. Everyone was really impressed with the quality of these students’ confident presentation skills, high-quality vocabulary and detailed rebuttals. After two rounds of debating, one SJC team progressed to the finals where they argued against the topic ‘Everyone should be vegetarian’. The students received excellent feedback, and it was very closely matched, but were unsuccessful in the final by a few points.
Congratulations to Alice, Avalon, Sophie and Luca for making it to the finals, and to Isabella, Kalani, Koda and Harper for your amazing debating. Abby and Perri were excellent chair people on the day who helped Mrs Courtney with many jobs between debates. A special thanks to Mrs Hill for organising the regional event.

Class News
Reflections from Camp
Footsteps boomed in my ears as the playful laughter from everyone filled my ears and soul with joy. As the wheels from the bus screeched into the curb, we were all ready to go. As we arrived at camp we got sorted into our tents and had lunch, our tents were awesome and everyone stayed up to the middle of the night, we could hear screams from the other cabins and then they all got silenced as the security guard stormed in and we all had to be quiet. Our first activity was the high ropes and the terrifying flying fox as we stumbled on to the thin wire ropes our hearts fluttered with fear and frightened voices filled our ears. It was fun, by the end but at the start everyone was so scared that we all went slow. The paddle in our hand we were speeding down the lake (or were we). Although we felt like we were Olympians we really weren't we ran into the sides a million times and became stuck a lot. But no one wanted to capsize because legend has it that an old crocodile gummy lives in the lake. It's called Gummy because it has no teeth.
On the second day we woke up to... "I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world" We all launched out of bed ready for the day ahead. As the songs of barbie girl flooded through our tents we had to pack up and get ready super-fast we had an action-packed day to come. "On and checked, On belay, Climbing, Okay" As we sped, climbing up the rock walls we reached the top but it wasn’t easy people fell and struggled but most of all people faced their fears as we reached the top the ground loomed below us but we knew we were safe as we had our safety calls.
" Have you got me? I've got you. Safe!"
Then we had fencing which maybe we weren't as safe. Engard Alay! The swords were off as everyone fought each other for the win.
By Alice D
Arriving at the Great Aussie Bush Camp, I looked out the window, seeing dirt and what looked like an abandoned service station. Leaves dancing through the wind, the bus door opened to an adventure! The luxury of camp was about to begin. Wheeling our luggage, our eyes widen seeing the tents. We all rushed in, looking inside at what was our home for the next 2 days. Crash! The door banged open, ready to set up. Rock hard mattresses, sleeping bags and a pillow, "what a great bed for tonight," We all stated.
I felt hopeful for the first activity, high ropes. Sprinting over as if I was in a race, I almost slipped on dark mud, it splattered like batter all over my shoes. Looking above me, my heart dropped, I hate heights. Climbing up the stairs, I thought about what audacious thing I was about to do.
By Isabella B

Hall of Fame
Sophie and her team (Kahibah FC) played in the NNSW Football Champion of Champions Tournament in Coffs Harbour in the holidays.
Playing up in 13’s - the team played 6 games in 2.5 days and finished equal second on points, just missing the GF on goal difference.
Sophie was voted by her teammates as player of the tournament for her team!

Sophie recently completed her Grade 5
Examination (Ballet) with the Royal Academy of Dance, and achieved an amazing result of a Distinction!

Garden Group
This term in garden group we have so much happening!
Our spring pollinators are germinators have been buzzing around the garden, attracted by seeds sewn in late Winter.
The children are learning how purple blooms are favoured by our native bees and butterflies and their importance in the vegetable garden to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables we have when it's time to harvest.
Many of our plants are now offering crops for the children to taste, with cucumber growing and tomatoes ripening.
This week we will sew sunflower seeds, ready to plant for a summer crop in the late year and early next year when students return in term 1

Aboriginal Education
What a wonderful and busy start to the term we have all had!
Recently our Year 5 students had the opportunity to share an informative, hands-on workshop with proud Awabakal man, Mr Daniel Durston- the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education teacher from St Pius High School Adamstown.
Mr Durston led Year 5 on an incredible journey into the ingenuity of Aboriginal engineering. Students explored the ancient fish traps at Brewarrina, near Bourke, which may date back up to 40,000 years. He explained the complexity of these traps and how they sustainably captured only medium-sized fish, allowing smaller and pregnant fish to swim free.
Students then enjoyed experimenting with model fish traps, collaborating in groups to design the most effective method for capturing only the medium-sized marbles (representing fish).
Mr. Durston also introduced the students to ancient bullroarers, which have been used by many Indigenous peoples around the world for thousands of years. He shared insights into their design and aerodynamics, explaining how they produce low-frequency sounds that can travel great distances. Each student received specially made bullroarers to paint and practice with, and they had a fantastic time testing them outside—while keeping a safe distance, of course!
Thank you, Mr Durston, for giving our students such an amazing experience!!!
Significant Cultural Dates
30th September: NSW Koori Knockout
The NSW Aboriginal Rugby League Koori Knockout is celebrated not just for its thrilling rugby action but also for its deep cultural significance within the Indigenous community. It is an annual rugby league tournament featuring teams from all over NSW.
Click HERE for more information
26th October: Uluru returned
Uluru was returned to traditional owners in 1985. On the 26th of October 2019, exactly 34 years after the government officially returned the lands to the Anangu, the climb on Uluru was officially closed. It is now illegal to climb Uluru.
Click HERE for more information
28th October: Battle of Pinjara
The Battle of Pinjarra was one of the most brutal and notorious attacks on Aboriginal peoples in Australian history. It took place in 1834 in the town of Pinjarra, about 83 km south of Perth in Western Australia.
Click HERE for more information
30th October: Racial Discrimination Act
The Racial Discrimination Act took effect in 1975. It promotes equality for all people regardless of race, colour or national or ethnic origin. With this act, it is against the law to discriminate against people based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin.

Happy Birthday

We wish the following students a very happy birthday.
Bruno Z 15/10 | Ruby McGlynn 17/10 | Cooper S 17/10 | Zachariah W 17/10 |
Alice D 18/10 | Faith J 19/10 | Korbin E 21/10 |
School Fees
Dear Families,
Thank you to all the families who have already paid their school fees. This is a friendly reminder that all fees are due by November 29th. If any families are experiencing difficulties, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our admin staff.
PH 4943 5414
Thank you for your support!
P&F News
Thank you to those who have already fundraised for the GR8 Race.
Thank you to the parent volunteers to assist with the canteen and BBQ, we are very appreciative of your help.
Our next meeting and final for the year will be held on Monday 11th November, in the staffroom.
Canteen News

Hello Families,
Just a friendly reminder there will be no lunch orders on Friday 1st November due to the GR8 Race. Sausage sangs are still available via QKR to purchase. Orders will close tomorrow - Tuesday 29th Oct.
Canteen facilities will be available for drinks, ice blocks and chips o the day. Cash only!
Kind regards
Kelly our Canteen Officer would love to see you if you have a spare couple of hours to assist in the canteen. Volunteers need to be registered with our CSO, by following this link: https://www.mn.catholic.org.au/people/volunteer/
Once cleared please sign up for a shift. The children love to see you here!
Wearitto Uniform Shop


Looking for care for your child during our St Nicholas OOSH Vacation Care? Please contact Michelle at 0429 435 571 or email michelle.birch@stnicholasmn.org.au by 8/11/24 to ensure we have enough time for planning and to confirm available days.
If you’re new to our OOSH program and would like to enroll your child for Summer Vacation Care, click this link: https://prodadmin.myxplor.com/enrollment_v2/centre/gTr8nZwuUlNdmk942311gtyslw. We also welcome all 2025 kindergarten students to join our Summer Vacation Care once the New Year begins!
Families can also use this link: https://forms.gle/GeVBioU8iC2p3kv47, to have their input into our program!
Thanks 🙂

The before and after school care at St Joseph’s is provided by St Nicholas OOSH, Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. Open from 7am-8:30am and 3:00pm-6:00pm.
Please contact Michelle for further information.
P 0429 435 571 M 0429 435 571
Email michelle.birch@stnicholasmn.org.au Visit us online www.stnicholasoosh.org.au
Healthy Lunch

Community Go Fund Me
Hi, I’m Renaye and this is my older sister Shannon, her 13 year old daughter Summer and 3 year old son Nate. Tragically in the early hours of Thursday 10/10/24 their house caught fire and they lost everything they owned - clothes, furniture, bedding, toys, photographs. Every single thing you can think of is gone. Thankfully they were unharmed and we are incredibly grateful for this.
Shannon is a single mum who now has the incredibly overwhelming and daunting task of starting over and supporting two young children whilst she does this. Shannon was incredibly proud of the home she had created and it was filled with fun, love and memories. Unfortunately Shannon did not have insurance so now
she needs our help to rebuild their lives. The funds raised will go towards housing, clothing, school supplies for Summer, toys for Nate, essential household and personal items to help them get back on their feet.
I kindly ask that you consider providing any level of support during this difficult time. Every little bit helps, and your generosity can make a significant difference in their recovery. Thank you for your kindness and support!
Warm regards,
Renaye Kentish