Term 3 Week 5
What's on at St Joey's
Principal's Messages
Assistant Principal
Office of Safeguarding
News from the Religious Coordinator
Primary Coordinator
Class News
School Fees
Hub News
Aboriginal Education
Garden Group
Happy Birthday to the following students
P&F News
Canteen News
Uniform Shop
Healthy Lunch Box
What's on at St Joey's
Band every Monday and Tuesday | Guitar lessons every Wednesday |
19-23rd August Book Week | 21/8 Book Week- Living Library and Costume Parade |
22/8 ICAS Spelling | 27/8 SUBWAY Lunch |
28/8 Author Visit- Sami Bayley | 29/8 Shoelace Tying Workshop K-2 |
29/8 Father's Day Cookies Delivered | 30/8 Father's Day celebrations from 12:30pm |
13/9 Polding Athletics | 27/9 Pupil Free Day |
Principal's Messages
Welcome to the Week 5 Newsletter. It seems surreal to think we are already into week 5, which is the halfway mark of the term! Once again, I have been overwhelmed with commitment from the staff at St. Jospeh’s and the support from the parent community. I feel very blessed to have this opportunity to work in this amazing community while Mrs Drake is on leave.
It is my pleasure to announce that next year, St. Joseph’s will have 14 classes, which means 2 classes per grade. This is a great sign of growth and confidence in our community. We are thrilled to see our school expanding and are grateful for the continued support from our families and staff. This growth reflects the trust and commitment you have in our educational environment.
Last week I had my first meeting with the P&F. We are fortunate to have such a passionate and involved group of parents and friends. Their contributions not only benefit our students but also strengthen the bond within our school community. An update from the P&F can be found later in this newsletter.
In this newsletter, I will provide some information on the National Week of Action against Bullying (from last week) which will lead into Child Protection Week (September 1). I will also highlight the ongoing series of Gala days we are participating in this term and celebrate the outstanding individual sporting and academic achievements of certain individuals in our school. Later in the newsletter, we will also update you on how Joey’s promoted and engaged in National Science Week 2024. Not too far away will be our “Fathers and Special Men in our Lives” celebrations on Friday August 30th, where our school will be hosting a light lunch followed by a sports and games afternoon.

Bullying No Way: National week of action
This year St Joseph's participated in the Bullying No Way: National week of action. Bullying No Way Week is a commitment being made by thousands of schools and supporters across the country. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to bullying prevention. It gives us an opportunity to connect with students, staff and school communities to implement workable solutions to prevent bullying.
The theme for this year's campaign is Everyone Belongs. This theme highlights the importance of creating a sense of belonging and inclusion for students. We recognise bullying often thrives in environments where individuals feel marginalised or excluded, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that every student feels valued and respected.
“Positive school climates that value diversity and inclusion can foster a sense of belonging and provide a protective factor against negative peer relationships and reduce bullying.” (Australian Education Research Organisation 2023).
For more information about Bullying No Way Week and bullying prevention, visit the Bullying No Way website.
Last week, students engaged in meaningful discussions and activities aimed at promoting empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity. We encourage parents and carers to take this opportunity to have open and honest conversations with their children about the impact of bullying and what they can do if they need support. You can visit the Bullying No Way website for tips around how to have this discussion.

Sports Update
This week, I want to take the time to celebrate the numerous sporting opportunities that our students have participated in this term. These often come and go in the calendar and while occasionally they are celebrated by the whole school, such as the Athletics and Swimming, there can also be a select few who participate. Behind the scenes of these opportunities, we have a team of sports minded staff who ensure that the legwork is done to make a great day for all those involved. Often led by Mrs Davis and Mr Fox, the team of sport elves have enabled a great line up of sports for our students in 2024. Something that I feel is worth celebrating and for which I am very grateful to the team working so hard in this space.
Our school was proudly represented at the recent Diocesan Athletics Carnival, where our talented athletes showcased their skills and sportsmanship. The event, held at Hunter Sports Centre Glendale, saw students from various schools compete in a range of track and field events. The dedication and hard work of our students were evident in their performances, and their achievements have made our school community incredibly proud. Congratulations to all our participants for their remarkable efforts and for representing our school with such distinction.
We are thrilled to announce that several of our talented students have excelled at the Diocesan Athletics level and will be progressing to the prestigious Polding Athletics Championship! This remarkable achievement is a testament to their dedication, hard work, and sportsmanship.
Join us in celebrating the following students:
- Mefi Tauveli – Shot put and 13 yr 100m
- Lochlan Obrien – Discus and High jump
- Frankie Gruschka – Shot put and Discus
- Otto Gruschka – Discus
- Aria Lee- 800m and 500m
We wish them the best of luck as they represent our school and compete against the best athletes from across New South Wales. Let’s cheer them on and support them as they strive for excellence!

Polding Representatives
We are delighted to share the exciting news that two of our students have been selected to represent our school at the Rugby Union Polding in Wagga Wagga later this term. This is a significant achievement and a proud moment for our school community.
Congratulations to Our Talented Players:
- Tanner Tindall
- Kobe Williams
These students have demonstrated outstanding skill, dedication, and sportsmanship. Their hard work and commitment to the sport have earned them this well-deserved opportunity to compete at a higher level.
We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and wish them the best of luck in Wagga Wagga.
Public Speaking
We would like to congratulate all the students who participated in our school’s Public Speaking Finals on Friday, 9th August. Your dedication, hard work, and eloquence were truly inspiring.
A special mention goes to our finalists who represented our school at the Regional Finals held at St. Joseph’s Kilaben Bay last Friday. Competing at such a high level is a remarkable achievement, and we are incredibly proud of each one of you.
Stage 1- Abby Mitchell
Stage 2- Boe Druery
Stage 3- Abigail Cherry
Your performances were outstanding, and you have set a wonderful example for your peers. Thank you to all the parents, teachers, and staff who supported our students throughout this journey. Your encouragement and guidance have been invaluable.
Once again, congratulations to all our participants and finalists. Keep up the great work!

Science Week 2024
The school theme for National Science Week in 2024 is Species Survival - More than just sustainability. The theme aims to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival and thriving of different species in an ever-changing world. Last week, all classes engaged in a variety of science experiments to celebrate this national event.
Kindergarten explored fiction and non-fiction texts about kookaburras and different species and their habitats through play experiences. Lots of wonderful scientific vocabulary was evident as children discussed, read, reflected and created responses through a science inquiry lens.
During science week Year 1 took part in an activity where they are growing cress from seeds and monitoring growth in a data table
Year 2 did a bridge building challenge using paddle pop sticks.
Students in Year 3 enjoyed Science Week by making their own lava lamps with oil, food colouring, glitter and effervescent tablets.
Year 4 had lots of fun in Science Week learning about the different Greenhouse gases and how they impact the ozone layer and our environment. Following this, Year 4 made models of these gases with gum drops and toothpicks!
In Year 5, the students engaged in a STEM challenging of building bridges using paddle pop sticks.
For Year 6 students, this was an exciting opportunity to dive into hands-on experiments, explore new concepts, and discover the wonders of scientific inquiry.

Father's Day Celebrations
“Fathers and Special Men in our Lives” celebrations will be held on Friday August 30th with the school hosting a light lunch followed by a sports and games afternoon. The afternoon will conclude with a song and prayer. For catering purposes, please RSVP using the QR code.
Please also purchase your gifts via QKR and all gifts are $10 before Friday 23rd August.

Assistant Principal

St Joseph's Shines in NAPLAN Results
We are proud to announce that St Joseph's has once again demonstrated academic excellence, with
our students' NAPLAN results surpassing the National average in all areas across both Year 3 and Year
5. This outstanding achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students,
teachers, and the broader school community.
The results show continual evidence of growth, reflecting our commitment to fostering an
environment where every student can thrive. We are proud of the progress our students have made
and will continue to focus on maintaining and improving these high standards in the future.
Lakes Region Pedagogical Mentors Collaborate for Growth
Recently, the Pedagogical Mentors from the Lakes Region came together for a productive meeting
focused on collaboration, learning, and professional growth. This gathering provided a valuable
opportunity for teachers to share insights, discuss best practices, and support one another in
enhancing their teaching strategies.
The meeting emphasised the importance of continuous professional development and the power of
working together to improve educational outcomes for our students. By learning from one another
and exploring new ideas, our Pedagogical Mentors are better equipped to lead and inspire their
colleagues, ultimately benefiting the entire school community. We look forward to seeing the
positive impact of this collaboration in our classrooms!

Office of Safeguarding

News from the Religious Coordinator
First Holy Communion
The date for First Holy Communion has been changed until later in the year. The Pastoral Coordinator, Leanne Hamilton recently contacted candidates to alert them to the change. The new date for Holy Communion is Sunday 10th November 9:30am. There will be a rehearsal Thursday 7th November 6pm. Both events will be at St Mary Immaculate Church, Charlestown. In the meantime, candidates are to consider materials sent from the Parish Office and we will check in on understanding later in the term at school.
Religious Literacy Assessment
Today students in year 6 are completing a Diocesan wide religion assessment to measure understanding of key concepts in the curriculum. Areas under consideration include seasons of the Church, Lent and Easter as we as Jesus’ mission. Students will receive feedback next term.
Father’s Day Activities
As Father’s Day is nearly here, we will celebrate on Friday the 30th of August. Fathers, Grandfathers and other family members are invited to a complimentary lunch from 12:30pm and later at 1:30pm we will have an afternoon of games and activities. The day will end on tar with a song and a prayer. We hope you can come along.
Save the Date – Community RUN DIPG event
Many in the community joined us last year to support the local RUN DIPG event. We are creating a TEAM SJC again. The run/ walk is on Sunday 22nd September starting at Liles Oval Redhead. See- https://rundipg.org/run-4-run-dipg-24/
When registering there is a question - Are you participating AS A TEAM? Choose existing team and Look for Team SJC . If you have any questions, contact clare.paff@mn.catholic.edu.au.
God Bless
Clare Paff
Primary Coordinator

This fortnight in Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) we have been focusing on Living Like Jesus by Using Kind Words and Actions.
Last week it was the Bulling No Way National Week of Action We focused on the theme that ‘Everyone Belongs’. This theme highlights the importance of creating a sense of belonging and inclusion for students. We recognise bullying happens at school and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that every student feels valued and respected.
During the week we engaged students in meaningful discussions and activities aimed at promoting empathy, understanding, and respect for diversity. In Year 3 we discussed staying safe online with activities around protecting your content/images online, understanding risks of friending strangers online and recognise when to seek help with online dilemmas. Year 6 did meaningful poster to help us reflect on bullying and how it makes individuals feel. You can view these on our Facebook page.

Important Conversations to have with your child about bullying:
If your child tells you about things at school, or you observe something in public that involves conflict or bullying, take the opportunity to talk about what bullying is. Questions you could ask include:
- What do you think bullying is?
- Have you seen it? How did you feel?
- Have you ever felt scared at school because of bullying?
- Besides me, who are the other adults you would talk to when it comes to things like bullying?
- Have you or your friends left other kids out on purpose? Do you think that was bullying? Why or why not?
- Have you ever tried to help someone who is being bullied? What happened? What would you do if it happens again?
Source: Bullying No Way website. https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/
Estafety resources for parents: https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents/resourcesKind regards,
Frances Courtney
Primary Coordinator

Class News
In Week 4, we participated in the Tennis Gala Day. We learnt the rules of modified tennis, improved our skills and had so much fun!

Kind Regareds
Emily Dale
School Fees
Dear Parents,
This is a reminder that all school fees are to be completed by November 2024. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that all payments are made on time, as it helps us maintain a smooth and effective school environment for our students.
I would also like to remind any families who may be experiencing financial difficulties to please reach out to our admin office at your earliest convenience. We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, please do not hesitate to contact us .PH; 4943 5414
Thank you
Amale Yi
Hub News

Aboriginal Education
Our school celebrated NAIDOC day on Wednesday 7th August. This was such an amazing day!
Our day started with a beautiful Morning Ceremony where Worimi man, Mauri led traditional dance with some of our Aboriginal students. We welcomed our presenters and were privlidged to be part of a meaningful Smoking Ceremony.
Students then spent the day engaged in authentic, hands-on workshops led by Aboriginal knowledge holders from community.
Our Dance workshop was led by Hilary McEntyre, a proud Worimi woman and owner of the local business, 'Dreamtime Dance Company'. Hilary taught students traditional moves and dances using her voice and clapping sticks. There are certainly some amazing dancers amongst us!
Our Torres Strait Islander Music workshop was led by Toby Cedar. Students and teachers learnt an original Torrez Strait Islander song and were amazed by some of the traditional instruments and resources Toby shared.
Our Tools and Weapons workshop was led by proud Worimi man and knowledge holder, Mauri Perry. Mauri showcased different Aboriginal tools and weapons- explaining their traditional uses. Students loved listening to Mauri and it was fascinating learning about the tools and weapons he has made himself to pass on to his son.
Our Weaving workshop was led by Aunty Deb Tonner, proud Elder in our community and Wiradjuri woman. Accompanying her was Cassandra McCarthy, a proud Wonnarua woman and mother at our school. They explained the importance and significance of weaving for various Aboriginal nations and how different weaving stitches were used for different purposes. Students loved viewing photos of contemporary weaving artworks our presenters have been involved with and then weaving their own creations.
Our Cultural Art workshop was led by Kirsty Keelan, an Awabakal woman and knowledge holder. Kirsty explained the importance and significance of art as way of cultural expression and connection to family and Country. Students made their own artwork using scratch paper -taking inspiration from Kirsty’s shared knowledge. Students also contributed to a whole school handprint artwork using ancient techniques.
Our Local Bush Tucker tasting workshop was led by Stephanie Phoenix, Worimi woman, descendant of the Gringai Clan. Stephanie explained the importance and significance of using resources from the environment for food and medicines. Students loved the opportunity to smell, feel and taste different ‘bush tucker’ plants and meats.
Following our workshops, all students came back together for our Afternoon Ceremony. Students loved sharing the knowledge they had learnt and demonstrating their vocal skills. Our day ended with a whole school singing of a traditional Torres Strait Isander song led by Toby Cedar.
It was certainly a memorable day that celebrated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, peoples and cultures within the NAIDOC 2024 theme- KEEP THE FIRE BURNING! BLAK, LOUD AND PROUD.
Significant Cultural Dates
24th August: Wave Hill Walk Off
First Nations people organise a Gurindji walk-off from Wave Hill Station, NT in 1966.
Click HERE to learn more
Danielle Shaw
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teacher

Garden Group
This week in garden group it was all about worms!
Worms play such an important role in soil health, and our garden groupers really liked playing with them too!
First we added coconut peat to our worm farm, then came the worms!
We tucked them in with their own special blanket and then added some fruit scraps to keep them fed and happy.
Our worm farm will make up part of our display at the Lake Macquarie Living Fair held at Speers Point Park in late September.

Happy Birthday to the following students

We wish the following students a very happy birthday.
Amelia C 21/8 | Luca M 21/8 | Henry V 23/8 | Olivia K 25/8 |
Isabelle S 25/8 | Spencer N 26/8 | Flynn H 28/8 | Ivy T 29/8 |
Rory O 30/8 | Liliana A 31/8 | Olivia Q 31/8 | William B 1/9 |
P&F News

Canteen News

Kelly our Canteen Officer would love to see you if you have a spare couple of hours to assist in the canteen. Volunteers need to be registered with our CSO, by following this link: https://www.mn.catholic.org.au/people/volunteer/
Once cleared please sign up for a shift. The children love to see you here!
Dear Parent, there will be no canteen services available through QKR on Friday, August 30th, due to our school community celebrating a Father’s Day Luncheon.
If your child is absent from school and has a lunch order that you would like to reschedule, please contact either myself or the office before 9 am. Unfortunately, we will not be able to process any orders for another day if we do not receive notification.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Uniform Shop

All enquiries to email: our volunteers. Shop open Monday and Friday at 8.45- 9.15am
ORDER via the QKR App
Thank you Kelly

The before and after school care at St Joseph’s is provided by St Nicholas OOSH, Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. Open from 7am-8:30am and 3:00pm-6:00pm.
Please contact Michelle for further information.
P 0429 435 571 M 0429 435 571
Email michelle.birch@stnicholasmn.org.au Visit us online www.stnicholasoosh.org.au
Healthy Lunch Box