Term 2 Week 9
What's on at St Joey's
Tuesday 25th June - School Photo Day | Parent Teacher Conferences - Weeks 9 & 10 |
Band every Monday and Tuesday | Guitar - every Wednesday |
Story Dogs - every Tuesday & Wednesday | Assembly - Athletics Ribbons and Medals - Wednesday 26th June 9am |
PUPIL FREE DAY - Friday 28th June | Kinder 2025 Acceptance of Offer due - Monday 1st July |
Mini Vinnies - PJ/OODIE Day - Tuesday 2nd July | Lakes Region Athletics Carnival - Wednesday 3rd July |
Hunter Water Show - K, 1, & 2 - Thursday 4th July | Last day of Term 2 - Friday 5th July |
First Day of Term 3 - Monday 22nd July | Grandparents Day celebrations Friday 26th July |
Principal's Messages
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you are staying well in this winter season of illnesses. Unfortunately, we have had many staff and students sick with the FLU, COVID and RSA. Please see the fact sheets below and in this link Influenza fact sheet - Fact sheets (nsw.gov.au)
We remind children to wash hands regularly and to use the sanitisers provided in the classroom before and after eating and play. Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe by keeping your children home if they are sick. Please remember to log the absence on COMPASS.
Congratulations to Stella and Scarlett who were baptised in our church this past weekend. Baptism, the first sacrament, welcomes us into the church family. During the Rite, consecrated water symbolises purification and spiritual rebirth through Christ, as it is poured over the candidate's head. Following this, the priest anoints them with Oil of Chrism, symbolising the gift of the Holy Spirit.
One of the most meaningful steps in our children's faith journey is to reflect on the beginning of their path, starting with their baptism. Perhaps you have cherished photos from their baptism day, or still have the white garment and candle given during the sacrament. Share stories about this special occasion with them: Who attended? Who officiated the sacrament? Was there a celebration afterward?
Above all, emphasise to children that baptism marks the beginning of a lifelong journey of knowing and loving God as Christians.
If you are interested to find out more or are considering baptism for your child, please contact our parish, ph: 4943 4153.

Welcome to Salvatore who has joined Year 1. His family have moved from Port Macquarie to join us. We hope that you find St Joey’s a great place to be!
We were excited to hear that all our Year 6 applications to St Mary’s for Year 7 2025 were successful. Our students were very excited to be assured of their place at our feeder Catholic high school. Enrolment enquiries here have also been increasing resulting in growth for our school. We have sent out our Kinder 2025 enrolment offers too, which will need to be accepted by Monday 1st July. Please call the office to accept and to pay the enrolment fee.
Congratulations to Tanner who competed in the Polding Rugby League team at the CSNSW PSSA championships. The team placed 7th overall in the Sydney competition. Afterwards, Tanner was voted as Polding’s, Player of the Tournament. A wonderful achievement!
Please remember our Pupil Free Day this Friday 28th June. Staff will be attending our faith formation day off site. We will be working with Ryan Gato from the Catholic Schools Office, looking at the scriptures and having time to pray and reflect. Some spiritual nourishment for our souls. This also forms a part of our faith accreditation requirements as Catholic teachers. Thank you for your support.
This is the last newsletter for the term, so I officially welcome Mrs Kate Wilson as Acting Principal for Term 3 while I am on Long Service Leave. I am certain you will make Kate feel welcome and I know she will enjoy her time at our beautiful school. We will also welcome back Mrs Angela Shaw in Year 1 Red, returning to her flexible work partnership with Mrs Woodward. We sincerely thank Miss Sophie Perkins who has filled the position these past 2 terms. Sophie has been a wonderful addition to the Year 1 team. Sophie will continue in her role in Year 3 Red, so we are not saying goodbye!
I will certainly miss our wonderful community but know that I will be thinking of you and your lovely children while I am away.
Wishing you all the very best for the Term break, hopefully illness free!
God Bless,
Kate Drake
Assistant Principal
Over the past few weeks our teachers have been busy writing the students’ Semester 1 reports. I thought I would take some time in this newsletter to share with you some information and insights into the importance of school reports. By law, schools must report to families at least twice a year and we do this through end of semester reports. We use many other opportunities throughout the year to connect with families to share information about a child’s learning such as SeeSaw, compass, meetings with families individually, and phone calls.
School reports play a crucial role in the communication between the school and parents about a child’s learning journey. They provide valuable insights into a child's academic progress, strengths, areas needing improvement, and how they are developing as a unique individual. Understanding your child’s reports can significantly enhance a parent's ability to support their child's education.
What do reports tell you about your child’s learning?
1. Academic Performance: Reports give a summative account of a child's performance in various subjects through the allocation of a grade.
2. Progress Over Time: By comparing reports from different terms or years, parents can track their child's academic growth and development.
3. Teacher’s Feedback: The General Comments section by the class teacher provides context to a child’s development based on the key capabilities.
4. Social and Emotional Development: Our reports also touch on how a child interacts with peers and teachers, which is vital for their overall growth.
5. Attendance Records: Consistent attendance is important in the continuity of learning and social development of your child.
Parent/ Teacher Interviews:
Over Weeks 9 & 10 Parents are invited to attend Parent/Teacher conferences for students in K-2 and in Year 3-6 we will be holding our first ever 3 way conference.
What is a 3 Way Conference?
A 3-Way Conference actively involves parents, students and teachers in reflecting on student progress and setting future goals/targets.
A 3-Way Conference acknowledges the most important participants in the learning process - student, teacher and parent.
How are 3 Way Conferences different from parent teacher interviews?
3 Way Conferences involve the student in the discussion about their growth/progress as a learner.
The student can provide information to clarify what they have learnt, what are the next steps in their learning and what progress they are making towards this.
Why 3 Way Conferences?
· They provide a student voice to discussions about performance and progress.
· They place the student at the heart of the assessment and reporting process.
· They strengthen the home-school partnership and allow children to see their parents and teacher working together for them.
· In short, 3 way conferences provide a forum for teachers, students and parents to acknowledge student progress and achievement. They are a valuable avenue for involving parents and students in the learning process and helping parents understand the teaching, learning, assessment and reporting process. The 3 way conference has benefits for teachers, parents and the school.
What does the research say…
Professor John Hattie identifies "student self-reporting as the most significant indicator linked to raised student achievement."
Dylan William says, "the process of students reflecting on their learning through effective questioning that promotes the articulation of student thinking, is integral to classroom and assessment practices that enhance student learning."
Warm regards,
Mrs. Kathryn Hill
Assistant Principal
Office of Safeguarding

Religious Education News
Staff Faith Formation Day- Friday 28th June
This Friday is our annual Pupil Free Day devoted to Staff Faith Formation. As teachers and staff in a Catholic school, it is necessary to develop our understanding and commitment to our Catholic values as part of a faith- based school. This year we will again be led by Ryan Gato, Assistant Head of Religion and Spirituality Services, to engage in a day of spiritual reflection based on our annual Diocesan theme Follow Me. The day will allow us to focus on our role as Catholic educators and the meaning of service within our school community as demonstrated by the love of Jesus.

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal- PJ Day Cake Stall
On Tuesday Week 10, Tuesday 2nd July. Mini Vinnies will be holding a PJ day and cake stall. Students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school in exchange for a donation to the local St Vincent de Paul Society Winter Appeal. Additionally cakes, will also be sold at lunch to support the St Vinnie’s Winter Appeal. Winter is a particularly challenging time for those who are disadvantaged in our community with increased costs in heating, and clothing. Please support this important fundraiser.

Save the Date-26 July
On Friday 26th July, St Joseph’s will celebrate Grandparents day. The 26th of July is the Feast Day of Sts. Joachim and Anne the parents of Mary and Grandparents of Jesus. We will celebrate with a liturgy , open classrooms and a picnic day. The starting time is 10am with open classrooms following and lunch at approximately 11:15am. We hope you can join us for this celebration.
Thank you
God Bless Clare Paff.
Hub News

Garden Group
Winter News in Garden Group
Crops in the vegetable garden continue to be fruitful throughout the winter months.
Our St Joseph's garden groupers have been busy attending to the plants, fertilising, weeding, digging and planting onion seeds, which will be ready to harvest just before the Christmas break.
As reward for their efforts, students have been happily munching on snow peas and herbs, and patiently awaiting for our crop of carrots and beetroot to be ready to pick and eat.
Our kindergarten students have been particularly adventurous, happily tasting parsley, mint, rosemary and garlic chives straight from the garden.
We've had plenty of rain this year to keep the garden watered, and students have been encouraged to care for our environment and appreciate the miracle of God's creation, as we watch seeds emerge, grow, fruit and provide us with nourishment and enjoyment.

Happy Birthday to the following students

We wish the following students a very happy birthday.
Adelina D 26/6 | Hayde D 26/6 | Nash D 26/6 | Henley G 26/6 |
Lillian C 27/6 | Sebastian Evans 29/6 | Atlas W 29/6 | Jaivansh R 30/6 |
Harper L 1/7 | Claudia M 1/7 | Xavier N 1/7 | Tilly P 1/7 |
Jensen W 1/7 | Django S 3/7 | Daniel B 4/7 | Bronte K 4/7 |
Zakariah G 5/7 | Sienna P 5/7 | Harriet C 6/7 | Evie C 7/7 |
Harper D 7/7 | Nash W 7/7 | Luca H 8/7 | Arlia V 9/7 |
P&F News
Our P & F meet twice per term.
We'd love to see you at our next meeting, 6pm in the staffroom.
All are welcome!
Monday 12th August & Monday 9th September
Canteen News
Kelly our Canteen Officer would love to see you if you have a spare couple of hours to assist in the canteen. Volunteers need to be registered with our CSO, by following this link: https://www.mn.catholic.org.au/people/volunteer/
Once cleared please sign up for a shift. The children love to see you here!
Uniform Shop
All enquiries to email: our volunteers. Shop open Tuesday and Friday at 8.45- 9.15am
Winter track pants are arriving this week. We will fill the orders asap and send them home.
Thank you for your patience!
ORDER via the QKR App

The before and after school care at St Joseph’s is provided by St Nicholas OOSH, Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. Open form 7am-8:30am and 3:00pm-6:00pm.
Please contact Michelle for further information.
P 0429 435 571 M 0429 435 571
Email michelle.birch@stnicholasmn.org.au Visit us online www.stnicholasoosh.org.au
The Good Push.

Hey everyone, my name is Nathanael Kealy. I'm a skateboarder and family man from Lake Macquarie (near Newcastle) NSW Australia. I need your support to undergo a massive undertaking. This June, I'm skating over 300km from Port Macquarie to Lake Macquarie in 5 days to raise funds and awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.
I'm hoping to raise $30K, which will help cover expenses for the 5-day trip, including van hire (for my wife to follow me), food and supplies & the rest of funds raised will go to a couple of organisations that I felt drawn to:
Below is a link to the GoFundMe page:
Fundraiser by Nathanael Kealy : The Good Push 2024 (gofundme.com)
Holiday Fun


NSW Health