Term 2 week 7
What's on at St Joey's
Principal's Messages
Assistant Principal
Office of Safeguarding
Primary Coordinator
News from the Religious Coordinator
Class News
Performing Arts News
Learning Support News
Aboriginal Education
Happy Birthday to the following students
Garden Group
School Fees.
P&F News
Canteen News
Uniform Shop
Camp Quality
Healthy Lunch Box
What's on at St Joey's
CogAT testing Year 2 12/6 & 13/6 | Stage 2 mass 9:30am 12/6 |
Year 3 & 4 Excursion - Murrook | Lakes Region Spelling & Maths Bee 14/6 |
Tell Them From Me Survey closes 14//6 | P & F Meeting 6pm 17/6 |
Stage 3 & Kinder Mass 9:30am 19/6 | ASPIRE Dance & Art Workshops 20/6 |
Parent/Teacher Conferences from 24/6 | School Photo Day 25/6 |
PUPIL FREE DAY 28/6 | Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal- PJ & Oodie fundraiser |
Lakes Region Athletics Carnival 3/7 | Hunter Water Show K-2 4/7 |
Band Monday and Tuesdays each week Guitar Wednesday each week | Story Dogs - Tuesday and Wednesdays each week |
Last day of Term 2 - 5/7 | First day of Term 3 22/7 |
Principal's Messages

Dear Parents and Carers,
How lovely to enjoy a long weekend, mid term! I hope everyone enjoyed the extra day and had time to rest and recoup, particularly from the many illnesses around now. School attendance has been affected by student sickness which is normal for this time of year. However, please ensure you record your child’s absence through Compass. We are required to follow up unexplained absences and chronic absences.
The NSW Education Act 1990 requires parents/carers to ensure that children of compulsory school age attend school on each day that the school is open for instruction. I remind you that morning supervision begins at 8:25am and finishes at the last bus approx. 3:15pm. If you need support with school attendance and would like to speak with our Pastoral Care Worker or School Counsellor, please call the school to discuss options. We would like to work with you in ensuring your child’s attendance is a priority.

Teachers are finalising Semester 1 reports and will offer interview opportunities in Weeks 9 and 10. The conference booking cycle will be open next week on your Compass dashboard. This year we will trial a 3-way conference involving the student/parent and teacher in goal setting for students in years 3-6. Kinder – Year 2 will just be for parents and teachers. We look forward to meeting with you to engage in worthwhile conversations about your child’s learning, and development.

This fortnight we welcome new students to Joey’s. Claudia in Year 1, Leo and Henry in Year 2, Bodhi and Ralph in Year 5. We hope you all find St Joey’s to be a safe, happy and welcoming place to learn and grow.

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the school’s Maths and Spelling Bees. We wish the best to our competitors through to the Regional Bee on Friday at Kilaben Bay; Henrik, Zivah, Alice (Spelling) and Levi, Billie and Alice (Maths).
Congratulations also to all our athletes advancing to the Lakes Region Athletics Carnival on the 3rd July. We have a strong team of athletes representing our school in all events.
Well done to Frankie and the Polding Hockey team who won their division. Frankie enjoyed competing at this event and was a wonderful representative for our school and Diocese.
Congratulations to Kobe and Tanner who have advanced to the Polding trials for Rugby Union. Both boys have had great success in both union and league trials this year!
Go St Joey’s!

It was wonderful to see some of our students receive the sacrament of Confirmation last week. Bishop Michael confirmed the children with the laying on of hands and the annointing with the Chrism Oil. Confirmation completes Baptism and they are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit helping them be strengthened to follow Jesus more closely.

Tell Them From Me Survey - We are grateful for your decision to entrust your child/children to be educated at our school and we want to hear your thoughts on how we are doing. As such, we ask that you complete the ‘Tell Them From Me’ survey. Please note, your response will be anonymous. The survey closes this Friday 14th June. http://tellthemfromme.com/sjc24
Winter is well and truly here and all students should be in their full winter uniform. Huge thanks to Lindsey and Hannah our uniform shop volunteers for working hard to get everyone’s orders ready as soon as possible. St Joseph’s is known for it’s lovely uniform and we encourage our students to take pride in wearing it. Our uniform shows that we belong to a community where all are treated fairly. When children don’t have to worry about what they are wearing because we are all wearing the same there is less likelihood of comparisons and judgements about appearance, leaving children free to just be children. Thank you to our parents who also encourage the correct school uniform and footwear. When we work together to promote the values of the school and home, we see success for our students.
We share our deepest sympathy to Mrs Karen Peacock and Miss Issy Peacock on the sudden passing of Karen's father, Issy's grandfather. We pray that your loving memories bring you comfort.
We have a pupil free day planned for Friday 28th June. This is Week 9 of school, not the last day of term. It involves our staff participating in faith formation which is an obligation as a part of being Catholic educators. We look forward to this day to be together offsite and to spend time in spiritual reflection and prayer.
Our St Nic’s OOSH are asking for expressions of interest for student care that day. If you are interested please contact Michelle, 0429 435 571 .
Our school photo day is Tuesday 25th June – please ensure students are dressed in full winter uniform with correct footwear and only school coloured hair accessories.
Last day of school is Friday 5th July and first day of Term 3 is Monday 22nd July.
Grandparents day – Celebrated Friday 26th July – more information to follow.
Have a good week!
God Bless,
Assistant Principal
Empowering Students with Michael McDowell’s Protocols: A Glimpse into Our Classrooms
At St Joseph’s, we are always on the lookout for innovative teaching methods that enhance student learning and engagement. This term, our dedicated teachers have embraced Michael McDowell's protocols from his influential book, "Developing Expert Learners," to elevate our educational practices. Let’s take a closer look at how these protocols are transforming our classrooms.
Understanding Michael McDowell's Protocols
Michael McDowell’s book "Developing Expert Learners" provides a comprehensive framework for fostering deeper learning and helping students become self-directed learners. The protocols focus on developing students’ ability to think critically, collaborate effectively, and apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. By utilizing these protocols, teachers guide students through a process that encourages inquiry, reflection, and continuous improvement.
Key Protocols in Action
1. Learning Intentions and Success Criteria
o Implementation: Teachers clearly define and communicate learning intentions and success criteria at the beginning of each lesson.
o Impact: Students understand the goals they are working towards and the standards they need to meet, fostering a sense of purpose and direction in their learning.
2. Formative Assessment and Feedback
o Implementation: Regular use of formative assessments allows teachers to gather data on student understanding and provide timely feedback.
o Impact: Students receive constructive feedback that helps them identify areas for improvement and take ownership of their learning process.
3. Metacognitive Strategies
o Implementation: Teachers incorporate activities that encourage students to reflect on their thinking and learning strategies.
o Impact: Students develop self-awareness and the ability to regulate their own learning, leading to greater independence and confidence.
4. Collaborative Learning
o Implementation: Structured group activities and discussions are designed to promote collaboration and peer learning.
o Impact: Students learn to work effectively with others, enhancing their communication and teamwork skills while gaining diverse perspectives on the subject matter.
Our teachers at St Joseph’s are committed to continuing their professional growth and exploring new strategies to support our students. By integrating Michael McDowell’s protocols, we are creating a dynamic and supportive learning environment that empowers students to become expert learners. We are excited to see how these practices will further inspire and challenge our students in the coming months.
Let’s continue to inspire and support our students in becoming the best learners they can be!
Warm regards,
Kathryn Hill
Assistant Principal
Office of Safeguarding

Primary Coordinator
PB4L Focus – Care For Your Appearance
As we move into the colder weather, we are focusing our school expectations on Striving High by Caring for Your Appearance. At St Joseph’s, we take pride in wearing a uniform in a tidy manner and set a positive example to one another. This includes wearing the school tie correctly and keeping our shirts tucked in during class time. Just a reminder that no painted nails, costume jewelry or accessories are to be worn at school except a watch and small stud or sleeper earrings.
We have noticed that some children have been cold in the early morning before the sun warms up and ask that students, with the help of their parents, pack their jumper or jacket with the student’s name clearly marked. We sort out a lot of lost property at St Joseph’s every day and full name on hats, jumpers, jackets, lunchboxes and drink bottles makes this task much easier. Thank you for your support.
Spelling Bee
Last week we had our Spelling Bee Finals for Stages 1-3, and we wish to congratulate all the finalists who participated. A special congratulations to the winners Henrik Lee, Zivah Grosvenor and Alice Dunkley who will represent our school in the regional finals this week.
Stage 1: Levi Phillips, Tilly Piper, Henrik Lee, Jaxon Delore, Estelle Parkes, Mason Waddingham, Sofia Greenlees and Hudson Hunter
Stage 2: Zivah Grosvenor, Hayden Drelincourt, Ashlyn Mayzen, Airlie Wilcher, Evie Kentish, Isla Arnott and Adelina Dragosavljevic
Stage 3: Heath Barr, Jeremy Hill, Daisy North, Gus Foxon, Zoe Foster, Harper Lee, Luca Masters and Alice Dunkley
Kind regards,
Frances Courtney

News from the Religious Coordinator
On Thursday the 30th May the following students Eden J, Oscar M, Boe D, Flynn H, Charlie P, Scarlett T, Vasek Z and Sienna P were presented to Bishop Michael to be confirmed. Confirmation strengthens faith beginning at baptism through the Holy Spirit and better equipping candidates to follow Jesus. We wish these students well as they progress on their faith journey.

St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal- PJ Day Cake Stall
On Tuesday Week 10, Tuesday 2nd July. Mini Vinnies will be holding a PJ day and cake stall. Students are invited to wear their pyjamas to school in exchange for a donation to the local St Vincent de Paul Society Winter Appeal. Additionally cakes, will also be sold at lunch to support the St Vinnie’s Winter Appeal. Winter is a particularly challenging time for those who are disadvantaged in our community with increased costs in heating, and clothing. Please support this important fundraiser.

Save the Date-26 July
On Friday 26th July St Joseph’s will celebrate Grandparents day. The 26th of July is the Feast Day of Saints Joachim and Anne the parents of Mary and Grandparents of Jesus. We will celebrate with a liturgy , open classrooms and a picnic day. The starting time will be 10am liturgy, followed by open classrooms, and approx 11:15am BYO picnic lunch. We hope you can join us for this celebration.
Thank you,
Clare Paff
Class News


Performing Arts News
Congratulations to Billie who was successful in her audition for the role of Molly in the upcoming production of Annie at Newcastle Civic Theatre from August 28th -Sep 14th. We are so proud of you! For those interested in seeing Billie perform she will be in Cast A shows. Tickets are available through Civic Theatre ticket office.

Learning Support News

Aboriginal Education
I have loved continuing our art-based Reconciliation lessons with classes. We have explored the National Reconciliation artwork by Gubbi Gubbi artist Maggie Douglas and what the chevron within this artwork means in moving forward in Reconciliation. Students have been so proud to see their class artworks come together – symbolic in that each student contributes a small part to make one masterpiece!
The next significant cultural event we will celebrate is NAIDOC on Wednesday 7th August. This is an amazing day for all our students and staff, and we warmly invite parents to join us for the morning and afternoon ceremonies. Please note the date in your diary!
Significant Cultural Dates
10th June: Myall Creek Massacre
On this day in 1838 the Myall Creek Massacre occurred in NSW, and every year a Myall Creek Massacre Memorial Ceremony is held in its memory.
On 10 June 1838 a group of white settlers murdered 28 Aboriginal men, women and children near Myall Creek Station in northern New South Wales, near Bingara. It was one of the rare cases where killers where 7 men were tried and hanged.
The Myall Creek Massacre now serves as both a harrowing reminder of Australia's colonial violence towards Aboriginal people and an example of modern-day reconciliation. The massacre is a harrowing reminder of Australia's colonial violence and one of the rare cases where killers were tried and hanged.
Source: Myall Creek Massacre (1838) - Creative Spirits, retrieved from https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/history/myall-creek-massacre-1838
Please click on the below links for more information.
Last year I was privlidged to join a group of teachers and staff from the Catholic Schools Office to visit the Myall Creek Massacre site near Moree as part of a Makarrata immersion. Being led through the profoundly sad events and ongoing impacts by local Elders was a very moving experience.
Danielle Shaw
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teacher

Happy Birthday to the following students
We wish the following students a very happy birthday.
Stella G 11/6 | Lola D 13/6 | Rocky G 15/6 | Emilia k 15/6 |
Callum C 16/6 | Sash R 17/6 | Trinity K 21/6 | Emily B 22/6 |
Yuri Mei C 22/6 | Daisy N 22/6 |

Garden Group
Our mini gardeners have been making the most of the winter crops this fortnight, continuing to enjoy snow peas and herbs freshly picked from the garden.
Stage 3 students are upcycling toadstool ornaments and planning a gnome garden featuring a cottage garden planting theme.
We welcomed our new LST Mrs Hill to the group, joining in the fun with us on Friday afternoon.
Students have been watching the progress of the seeds they planted, including carrots, beetroot and potatoes.
Rock painting will continue through the colder weather as growth slows in the garden.

School Fees.
Dear Parents and Carers,
School fee statements will be issued at the start of June.
Thank you to those who are maintaining their commitment to their fee payment plan.
This is a gentle reminder for those who have chosen the annual payment option to complete fees by June 30th.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties and need to revise your payment options please contact Mrs Drake.
Kind regards,
Amale Yi
Administration Officer
P&F News
Our next P& F meeting is next Monday 6pm in the staffroom. All are welcome to attend!
Thnak you to our volunteers who attend each month and assist with fundraising and community events. We would love to see more helpers, even if it's just for one event.
Thank you!
Canteen News
Kelly our Canteen Officer would love to see you if you have a spare couple of hours to assist in the canteen. Volunteers need to be registered with our CSO, by following this link: https://www.mn.catholic.org.au/people/volunteer/
Once cleared please sign up for a shift. The children love to see you here!
Uniform Shop
All enquiries to email: our volunteers. Shop open Monday and Friday at 8.45- 9.15am
ORDER via the QKR App

The before and after school care at St Joseph’s is provided by St Nicholas OOSH, Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. Open form 7am-8:30am and 3:00pm-6:00pm.
Please contact Michelle for further information.
P 0429 435 571 M 0429 435 571
Email michelle.birch@stnicholasmn.org.au Visit us online www.stnicholasoosh.org.au
Camp Quality

Healthy Lunch Box
