Term 1 Week 3
What's on at St Joey's
Principal's Messages
Assistant Principal
Office of Safeguarding
Primary Coordinator
News from the Religious Coordinator
News from the Classroom
Sporting News
Hall of Fame
Happy Birthday to the following students Jan/Feb
Aboriginal Education
News from the Hub
P&F News
Canteen News
Healthy Lunch Box
School Band & Rickys Guitar
Uniform Shop
What's on at St Joey's
P & F Meeting 6.30pm 12/2 | Assembly Swimming ribbons 13/2 |
Project Compassion Launch - Cathedral year 6 Leaders 10.30-12.30pm 13/2 | Pancake Day for Caritas at School 13/2 - bring coins |
Ash Wednesday Liturgy in class 14/2 | Registration for Sacramental program 6pm Parish Pastoral Centre 15/2 |
Lakes Swimming Carnival 19/2 | Beginning of the Year Mass & Commissioning of 2024 School Leaders 21/2, 9:30am |
Welcome BBQ 6/3 6pm-7:30pm | Kinder 2025 Open Day 12/3 |
NAPLAN 13th March-22nd March Yr 3 & Yr 5 | PUPIL FREE DAY 12/4 |
Principal's Messages
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are officially in week 3 of the term and it is wonderful to see the students and staff, settled into their new classrooms and routines. The start of the new school year is a busy time for us all and getting back into our daily routines can be stressful for some, but please remember that having good routines in place helps children feel secure and confident about what each day brings. Being consistent with clear instructions and giving them some responsibilities to help get ready each day or even the night before will support your children’s success.
In our first newsletter, which can be found on Compass, we welcomed many new students and families to St Joseph’s. This week we welcome Cohen in 6 Red and Florence in 1 Blue. We have also been inundated with enquiries for Kinder 2025. If you have a child starting Kindergarten in 2025 can you please collect an enrolment form from the office or call and register your child on our list for future updates. Our diocese has released a new enrolment policy which was sent to all parents via Compass. See the link here:
Home – School Communication is vital as we value positive partnerships with our parents and families. Please keep up to date with all school information via the Compass app, SeeSaw and our newsletter. We are looking forward to our Beginning of the School Year Mass Wed 21st Feb, 9:30am where our Yr 6 student leadership team will be commissioned with their badges. All parents are welcome. Also our Welcome BBQ on Wed 6th March 6pm-7:30pm and Parent -Teacher Meetings Week 8, 18th -22nd March. More information will follow but lock these dates in your diaries as we’d love to see as many of you as possible.
Our school’s 3 year Strategic Plan has yearly identified school goals for improvement. Our 2024 goals include:
CATHOLIC CURRICULUM – Development of teacher efficacy in the teaching of religion.
LEARNING - Numeracy, particularly place value is a focus area for development. Spelling and writing will also continue to be focus areas for improved student outcomes.
Co teaching strategies - to enhance student engagement and use of flexible and collaborative learning spaces.
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) – At St Joseph’s we hold strong values and encourage positive behaviour in the classroom and playground. We are currently reviewing our minors and major system and overall behaviour policy. However, our strategies for encouraging positive behaviour and redirecting poor choices remains the same; clear expectations which are explained and repeated, weekly focus on a specific value with lesson plans and weekly merit awards, and consequences such as community service, reset time and reflection time. If a student needs a reset time it will be with an executive and they will have time to discuss the behaviour and reflect on actions moving forward. The reflection sheet will be sent home with the student for parents to sign and speak to their child about the expected behaviours. Teachers will also call parents to inform them of any behaviour concerns. We know that children are continually learning and developing and if we work together, home and school, we can ensure our children’s success.
Traffic Management and Parking Rules
We regularly get visited by the LMCC traffic patrol in Shelton St. Please follow our before and after school routines and avoid blocking driveways, getting out of your car in the pickup/drop off zones and parking or blocking the bus stop.
Morning Drop Off Options
School bell 8:55am
Use the Kiss and Ride zones on Shelton St or Camrose St. Remember to only have one car at a time in the zone on Shelton St. The next car must wait at the sign on the left until the car in the zone leaves, then move in to the turning circle and drop off area.
Afternoon Pickup Options
Final Bell is at 2:55pm
Buses: There are a number of buses that St Joseph’s children catch. See below for information on Newcastle Buses.
Tar: Parents Park cars and walk into school to wait on seats near sport shed roller door (at the bottom of the steps leading from the office to the Tar)
Walkers: Parents Park and wait for children on the footpath on the corner of Camrose St and Shelton St. Children are walked up at 3:00 and then crossed over the road to waiting parents. See map below.
Kiss and Drop: Children line up on TAR in surname lines. At their time (see table below) children are walked up and wait with teacher supervision until parents pick them up in cars from the Kiss and Drop zone in Camrose St. Parents remain in cars and teachers supervise boarding.
Kiss and Drop Times (times are staggered)

For parents and/or students that have questions about school services or need help planning their trip, they will need to contact our Customer Service Team on 131 500, or using our customer portal on our website at newcastletransport.info, so we can follow up immediately.
We would also like to take this opportunity to remind schools and parents to encourage school students tap on and tap off when using school bus services. This data is important in determining the school bus services provided to schools and low patronage could prompt a review of the service.
Students and parents can follow these three easy steps to check their timetable:
1. Visit: http://newcastletransport.info/plan-your-trip/school-services
2. Type your school name into the search field
3.Select your school bus route to download the PDF timetable
For school bus safety tips, head to:

Congratulations to the Curk family on the birth of a sister, Shelby, for Mason in Kinder. We wish you all much love and happiness.
We are so excited to be on this journey of learning, faith and fun for 2024 and look forward to seeing you at upcoming events.
God bless,
Kate Drake
Assistant Principal
Welcome back to St. Joseph’s for 2024! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable break and are ready for an exciting year of learning and growth. It has been wonderful to see all our students return, as well as welcome new families into our community.
At St. Joseph’s we are committed to providing a nurturing environment where students can thrive academically, socially, and spiritually. Our school values: to strive high, live like Jesus, and care for our environment, guide everything we do.
This week, our focus has been on setting the year up for success. In all our classes, students have been busy:
- Setting Goals: Students have been encouraged to set personal and academic goals for the year ahead. We believe that goal – setting is an important skill that help students stay focused and motivated.
- Exploring Our Values: Through discussions, activities, and reflections students have been exploring the meaning of school values – strive high, live like Jesus, and care for our environment. These values are at the core of who we are as a school community.
- Embracing a Growth Mindset: We believe in the power of a growth mindset – the idea that our abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Students have been learning about the importance of perseverance, resilience, and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.
We are excited about the year ahead and the opportunities it holds for each and every one of our students. Together, with your support and partnership, we will continue to inspire a love of learning, nurture spiritual growth, and foster a sense of belonging and community.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Warm regards,
Mrs. Kathryn Hill
Assistant Principal
Office of Safeguarding

Primary Coordinator

This fortnight in Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL) we have been focusing on Living Like Jesus by Using Kind Words and Actions. We have mainly focused on good manners and Year 6 students have made an entertaining video for all students to show them what kind words looks and sounds like at St Joseph’s.
Class discussions, using the Bounce Back curriculum, may include:
- Being friendly and including others by saying hello, talking to others, asking questions
- Inviting others to play in our games and groups
- Speaking in a polite voice to children and adults
- Asking permission to borrow things that are not yours
- In cooperation situations, letting everyone speak, listen attentively and encourage others to participate. If you don’t fully agree, be respectful of one others’ opinions and try and find a solution together.
Some conversations you could have at home on topic of Using Kind Words and Actions are:
- What does showing respect mean?
- One aspect of respect is kind words and good manners. What are good manners?
- How does using kind words show respect for others?
- What are bad manners?
- Why are good manners and kind words important?
- How do you disagree with someone in a respectful manner?
It’s been lovely to see the positive, fresh start from students and their use of kind words at the beginning of this school year.
Kind regards,
Frances Courtney
Primary Coordinator
News from the Religious Coordinator
Sacramental Program 2024
We are inviting baptised students from years 4- 6 who are interested in learning about and participating in this year’s sacramental program. The program will provide formation for you and your child to complete the sacraments of initiation in the Catholic Church including reconciliation, confirmation and Holy Communion.
This Thursday evening 15.2.24, we will hold an information session to discuss the format of this year’s program and answer any questions.
Below are some key dates for the program.
Registration for sacramental program 15th Feb 6pm St Mary Immaculate Parish Centre, Milson St, Charlestown
Reconciliation- 21st March (7pm) St Mary Immaculate Church, Charlestown
Confirmation- 30th May (7pm) St Mary Immaculate Church, Charlestown
Holy Communion 8th Sept 9:30am St Paul's Church, Gateshead
For further details please contact Mary Davison (mary.davison@mn.catholic.edu.au), Clare Paff (Clare.paff@mn.catholic.edu.au) or Joseph Bradshaw (Joe.Bradshaw@mn.catholic.org.au).

Beginning of the Year Mass
On Wednesday the 21st of February we will celebrate the beginning of the school year and invest our new school leaders at St Mary of Immaculate Church, Charlestown. The Mass commences at 9:30am. Parents and family members are welcome.

Parish Masses this Term
Students will celebrate Mass with their stage and the Parish community on the following dates. Please feel free to join us.
13th March Stage 1
27th March Stage 2
3rd April Early stage 1 and Stage 3
Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Sales
Our Mini Vinnies Leaders will be selling pikelets/pancakes for 50c at lunch on Tuesday 13th February.
Money raised will support the annual Project Compassion Campaign to assist vulnerable people from around the world. https://www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion/ .


The Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle proudly celebrates the invaluable contributions of its staff through the prestigious Emmaus Awards. This year, the spotlight shines on Mrs. Drake and Miss Nolan, both honoured recipients of the esteemed Emmaus Awards for their outstanding dedication and impact in their respective roles.
Mrs. Drake's recognition with the Excellence in Leadership Award highlights her remarkable ability to not only lead but also inspire others within the educational community. Her efforts in building authentic Catholic learning communities, fostering collaboration, and setting high standards for both teaching and professional development are truly commendable. Her leadership serves as a shining example for educators and staff, inspiring them to strive for excellence.
Similarly, Miss Nolan's receipt of the Excellence in Teaching Award underscores her exceptional commitment to nurturing the holistic growth of her students. Her dedication to creating a stimulating and inclusive learning environment where every student's individual needs are attended to is truly inspiring. Her deep knowledge of her subject matter, coupled with her ability to foster intellectual, social, emotional, and spiritual development, undoubtedly contributes to the positive outcomes in student learning.
Both Mrs. Drake and Miss Nolan exemplify the values of excellence, compassion, and dedication that are integral to the mission of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. Their contributions undoubtedly enrich the lives of our students, the St Joseph’s community and MacKillop Catholic Parish. Congratulations to them once again on this well-deserved recognition!

News from the Classroom
A reflection on being a Year 6 Leader to our Kindergarten Buddies:
Year 6 are very excited about being buddies with the kindergartens and we want to make sure they have a great year transitioning to school. We, as buddies, will be helping and making sure your children are happy at school. This year they will grow and learn so many new things. We look forward to the year ahead with the wonderful Kinder children as our buddies!
By Alice

Year 6 are off to a great start to the year with excellent writing underway:

I trudged through the snow as it crunched under my feet. The streetlamp flickered under the intense pressure of being on all night. I heard the owls call helplessly as trees danced in the wind. I shivered and shook as snowflakes landed in my hair and around my body. I turned as pale as a ghost in the cold. I was scared…
Somewhere in the illuminated silence, staggered a petrified boy, leaving a trail of crimson red blood behind him. Limping in ghost town was a cold gust of air, so cold it felt like a needle stabbing, The freezing wind screaming in his ears, then out of nowhere, the silence was pierced by a deafening shriek for help, leaving a river of red behind him, he hobbled in un-imaginable pain over in the deep, luminous distance, the pearl white snow crunching under his poor feet, passing his eerie surroundings, passing trees wearing ice. The dark, ominous sky looming above, making it feel like creepy eyes like demons were somehow watching him... A million thoughts swarmed around him like: 'Will I make it out of this frigid nightmare alive?'
The snowy winter trees swished around in the icy wind howling above us. Bright white snowflakes danced slowly in the sky, the small dim lit light flickered on and off dangerously. I creeped over to the magical trees feeling the rough bark covered in thousands of icicles touch my skin. The air was lit with the smell of hot cocoa and lush warm cookies, tempting but probably a trick... My face twists into a smile of delight as I take a better look at the stunning scenery, my curiosity dangerously gets the better of me and I follow the snowy path.
'What was that?' I think, my eyes darting around taking in my eerie surroundings. Ominous clouds loom above me like angry demons, the snow sluggishly slithers out of their more. Fear creeps down my back from the cold chill of the ice-wearing trees. I slide my hands into my warm comforting pockets, as I take a tentative step forward. The snow crunches under my boot, I hear a thud something is coming! Then everything went black…
The cold wind howled as it swept past my face smacking me with it's cold breeze as I walked on the deep, cold snow (Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!) along the icy path. The trees leaned back and forth creaking as loud as a lion's roar, snow slipped off the emerald green, evergreen branches like little raindrops on the pathway. I can smell the misty fog scattering around the forest and I can see the streetlamp flickering giving off an eerie vibe.
In the initial weeks of year 5, students enthusiastically bonded while engaging in icebreaker activities, fostering a positive atmosphere for collaboration. The class celebrated their unique personalities by creating vibrant and personal art projects that reflected their individuality and shared experiences.

Sporting News
Congratulations to the students who have advanced to the Lakes Regional Carnival which will be held at the Lambton Pool on Monday 19th Feb. Please ensure you have accepted the permissions on your Compass dashboard/ Events.
Billie, Sophie, Kalani, Jeremy, Daniel, Flynn, Leni, Emilia, Emily, Levi, Mia, Wilhemina, Harriet, Leo, Huon, Reid, Aria, Lila, Lachlan, Neva, Audrey, Flynn, Jack, Sanuel, Avalon, Frankie, Jesse, Sam, Oscar, Ruby, Eli, Franklin, Lani, Daly,.
DIOCESAN WINTER SPORT TRIALS - Year 5 & 6 students only
The 2024 Lakes Regional representative trials for the Winter sports are occurring on Wednesday 6th March, with a backup date of Wednesday 13th March (12-3pm.) Children can trial in only one of the following sports, as the Diocesan trials for these sports are all on the same day:
Hockey (Girls and Boys)
Rugby League (11yrs)
Rugby League (Open)
Soccer (Girls and Boys)
Other sports students can trial for are:
AFL – 12th March
Rugby Union TBA
which have Diocesan trials on separate days.
The process involves students trialling at several levels in an attempt to be selected in Polding (Northern NSW Catholic School) representative teams which attend PSSA State Carnivals. If interested and you consider your child to have exceptional talent in one of the above sports, you may nominate your child for the trials via the written nomination form sent home last week.
Written applications must be forwarded to the school no later than Wednesday 14th February.
Please send written applications in an envelope marked “Mrs Davis, Sport Trials”.
Best wishes,
Natalie Davis
Sports Coordinator
Hall of Fame
We have a new section to our newsletter for those who want to share their child's achievements outside of school. Please send any information to admin@charlestown.cathiolic.edu.au. Please note we cannot publish any images of other children.
During the holidays Jeremy H competed in the Boys under 12 team at the Australian Youth Water Polo Championships in Brisbane. The team placed 5th over all. They were very proud of their efforts and team spirit.

Happy Birthday to the following students Jan/Feb
We wish the following students a very happy birthday.
Sibylla D | Leni E | Emily B | Kai R |
Connor S | Ekamjot S | Elijah S | Michael M |
Cora W | Mia C | Matilda G | Frankie G |
Sonny M | Wilbur O | Kobe W | Axl Mc |
Evelyn M | Tanner T | Luke G | Annabel F |
Sadie I | Julian A | Frankie M | Harper D |
Lucy C | Louis C | Leo M | Chayse M |
Harrison S | Zachary O | Louis S | Vincent T |
Charlie P | Lilly W | Belen E | siosifa T |
Lila W | Levi P |

Aboriginal Education
Aboriginal Education
What a fantastic start to 2024 we have had at St Joseph’s!!!
It is so lovely to be back after our restful summer holidays and I’m sure all our children enjoyed their break from school.
Our Native Resource Garden ‘Ka-u-ma Ngarra’ is looking fabulous and I’m excited to spend a lot of time there with students in 2024.
Significant Cultural Dates
13th February: Anniversary of the National Apology
This is the anniversary of the National Apology, made by Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, to Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, particularly the Stolen Generations.
The National Apology to the Stolen Generations was a recommendation from The National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal Children from their Families, as published in the 1997 Bringing them Home Report by the Australian Human Rights Commission.
The students and staff at St Joseph’s Primary School recognise this hugely significant event in our Country’s history and journey towards Reconciliation.
For more information visit
Danielle Shaw
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Teacher
News from the Hub

P&F News
We have a wonderful Parents and Friends group but would love to see some new members. Our first meeting for 2024 is TONIGHT, Monday 12/2 at 6:30pm in the staffroom. Please come along!
Canteen News
Kelly our Canteen Officer would love to see you if you have a spare couple of hours to assist in the canteen. Volunteers need to be registered with our CSO, by following this link: https://www.mn.catholic.org.au/people/volunteer/
Once cleared please sign up for a shift. The children love to see you here!
Healthy Lunch Box

School Band & Rickys Guitar

Uniform Shop
All enquiries to email: our volunteers. Shop open Tuesday and Friday at 8.45- 9.15am
ORDER via the QKR App

The before and after school care at St Joseph’s is provided by St Nicholas OOSH, Diocese of Maitland Newcastle. Open form 7am-8:30am and 3:00pm-6:00pm.
Please contact Michelle for further information.
P 0429 435 571 M 0429 435 571
Email michelle.birch@stnicholasmn.org.au Visit us online www.stnicholasoosh.org.au